Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Organizing free and/or cheap- the best way!

Well, a new year is upon us! Always a good time to organize things and get the year started fresh and clean!  Here's a couple of items that I've recently made to help us around here. Sorry, if this is a repeat for you and you saw these on my personal blog!;)
 Here is Isabella's new routine and chore chart. I made it just as a word document and added clip art of each item to try and help her know what she was checking off. Some of the items on these chore chart lists weren't applicable to us so I made my own. I also wanted to get some routine of doing the some of the same things everyday. These charts are cute, but offer a different thing to do each day. They were a great jumping off point for me though!

Tues Pre K Chore Charts
What do you get when you have some pretty paper, glue, mod podge and a oatmeal container? A head band holder, of course! This was a pretty easy project. Wish that one part shown in the picture wasn't as bumpy, but what are you gonna do? Headbands will soon be covering most of it anyways, right?!

